reNFT Logo reNFT
reNFT Logo

Solidity Smart Contract Developer

💰 $100,000 - $180,000 📅 12/09/2021


Job Description

**Job Description**
We are seeking talented junior/senior Solidity smart-contract engineers to
join our development team! Knowledge and shown track record of working with

* Strong programming skills in Solidity
* Understands Solidity assembly
* Familiar with OpenZeppelin contracts
* Understanding of tools like Hardhat, Ganache, Brownie
* Knows how to fork the mainnet and write unit tests against the fork
* Understand gas optimization and the trade-off between efficient code and readable code
* Advanced English language

**Please show your prior work / portfolio as well as include your GitHub
account, with your application. Thank you!**

**About reNFT**
reNFT is a protocol and platform that enables peer to peer renting of ERC-721
and 1155 non-fungible tokens (NFTs). reNFT enables holders of NFT assets to
put them to work by renting out gaming assets to use in blockchain gaming
experiences, digital art, or any other NFT asset.

reNFT is innovating at the intersection of NFTs, Gaming, and DeFi! This is
your chance to get involved in the NFT and Web3 space!

reNFT focuses on Blockchains, Blockchain / Cryptocurrency, Web3, and NFT.
Their company has offices in Remote. They have a small team that's between
11-50 employees.

You can view their website at <> or find them on
[Twitter]( and