HealthX Logo HealthX
⏩ HealthX Logo

Native Mobile Developer (Java/Kotlin or Swift/Objective-C) – Equity available for right candidate

πŸ’° $15,000 - $60,000 πŸ“… 11/02/2022


Senior Microelectronics Engineer (w/Equity & Senior Management Potential)

πŸ’° $25,000 - $100,000 πŸ“… 09/10/2023


Job Description

London-based startup with deeply experienced multi-specialty team seeks Sr.
Microelectronics Engineer/Lead Electronics Engineer to assist with the
development of a consumer wearable device for measuring and monitoring
critical health biomarkers. Opportunity for the right candidate to grow
rapidly within the organization and to be compensated generously.

Primary skills sought:
\- PCB design, and/or
\- firmware development (NRF52/Zephyr)

Secondary skills sought:
\- Experience with/exposure to electronics hardware manufacturing
\- Experience working with industrial product designers
\- Parts procurement
\- Experience with getting necessary certifications for consumer electronics
products sold in the US and/or EU markets
\- Works well in teams
\- Flexibility
\- Strong, consistent communication skills
\- Open to feedback
\- Constantly seeks new challenges and professional growth
\- Focused on high-quality and rapid execution, particularly when work is time

Looking for individuals interested in or who have experience working with
fast-paced startups, who have an interest in an equity stake in the company
and who are invested in the long-term success of the company.

Flexibility in terms of availability, i.e. full-time or part-time initially.

Must be passionate about working on projects and with people trying to make a
significant societal impact.

HealthX focuses on Healthcare, Embedded Hardware and Software, Wearables,
Mobile Application, and Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning. Their
company has offices in London. They have a small team that's between 1-10

You can view their website at <>