Platomics Logo Platomics
Platomics Logo

Senior Full Stack Engineer

📅 11/02/2023


Job Description

As regulations of the medical sector become increasingly strict in the
European Union, health institutions, such as **hospitals and laboratories
struggle to maintain compliance** due to a lack of knowledge and resources.
This bears the risk of pushing small laboratories out of business and reducing
the overall offering in diagnostics, ultimately resulting in a reduced health
care quality for patients.

We at Platomics address this problem by creating products that tap into an
existing ecosystem and make complying with a wide range of regulations fast
and easy.

Candidates should be prepared to work in a high-cadence environment,
collaborating with a highly qualified and international team. Your
contributions will directly impact the lives of millions of individuals by
ensuring that treatments and laboratory analyses especially for rare diseases
can remain available.

We are looking for a **Senior Full Stack Developer with Frontend focus
(Angular + Java Spring)** to join us on this journey.

### The Role

As a Senior Full Stack Developer at Platomics you will:

* Build a platform that changes the regulatory landscape all across Europe
* Work with a team of highly skilled developers, designers & product managers
* Collaborate closely with specialists in the field of biotechnology and medical regulation
* Engage actively in continuous product discovery efforts and play a pivotal role in shaping product decisions from the beginning
* Potentially transition into a leadership role for the team you join
* Generous salary, depending on your location. As a reference, the salary range for Berlin or Vienna is € 75.000 - € 95.000 depending on your qualification.

While we are a distributed team, we aim to create opportunities for people to
come together in person. At the current point in time we have a physical
office in Vienna, Austria, open to all team members.

Therefore, the role is open to applicants based anywhere in Europe.

### What you bring to the table

* You have 5+ years of experience as a Full Stack Software Developer, and you know how to work with Angular, Java Spring, Git and SQL databases.
* You are dedicated to foster Clean Code practices and have a proficient understanding of Software Architecture as well as testing.
* You approach technical decisions pragmatically and believe in an empowered product culture that is all about outcome over output
* You are able to create and support a great work environment for product teams to thrive in defined by an open feedback culture, honesty, and a focus on personal development.
* Big plus: Having worked in the Med-Tech / Bio-Tech / Health-Tech or another highly regulated space before

### How we work

We are a team of experienced and driven individuals across all disciplines,
working remotely from all over Europe.

While we are currently in the process to define and shape our team culture
collaboratively, we are guided by the following principles:

🔋 **Its a marathon, not a sprint**

We create a work environment that keeps all team members healthy physically
and psychologically in the long term. While we work hard, we respect
boundaries and take breaks to recharge.

💬 **Radical candour & psychological safety**

We say what we think and care about each other. We appreciate feedback because
this is what lets us grow. We create an environment where every opinion gets
heard and valued.

🥇 **We reject mediocrity**

We deliver our best work. We care about the results we deliver and own our
mistakes. We take calculated risks and ship fast - but we are not sloppy.

🔥 **Ideas over hierarchy**

Facts and arguments win, not job titles.

### Application Process

The application process will then follow these steps:

1. Screening Call (30 min)
2. Coding Interview (30 min)
3. Take home Assessment + Discussion (4hrs + 60min)
4. Final Team & Culture Interview (60 min)

Platomics focuses on Healthcare, Medical Devices, Application Platforms, Cloud
Data Services, and Clinical Trials. Their company has offices in Berlin and
Vienna. They have a mid-size team that's between 51-200 employees.

You can view their website at <>