Role: Mobile Application Developer(IOS)
Key Qualifications
* Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent 3 years of hands-on experience and proficiency in developing React Native hybrid Mobile Applications and UI for Android or iOS Experience in React Native: Strong knowledge of React Native framework including components navigation state management and asynchronous data handling.
* React Native Libraries: Familiarity with popular React Native libraries and packages such as React Navigation Redux Axios AsyncStorage etc. Platform APIs: Understanding of how to access platform-specific APIs and features using React Native bridge mechanisms.
* Native Module Development: Ability to write custom native modules in Java/Kotlin Android OR Objective-C/Swift iOS for React Native apps. Code Sharing: Experience with code sharing techniques and strategies to maximize code reuse between different platforms.
* JavaScript and ES6: Good understanding of JavaScript and ECMAScript 6 ES6 features used in React Native development.
* Mobile UI/UX: Ability to design and develop mobile user interfaces UI and user experiences UX that are intuitive and responsive.
* Unit Testing Frameworks: Proficiency in testing frameworks like Jest or Enzyme for writing unit tests for React Native components and business logic.
* Test Automation Tools: Experience with tools like Appium or Detox for automating end-to-end functional tests across multiple platforms.
* Mocking and Stubbing: Knowledge of techniques for mocking and stubbing dependencies in unit tests.
* Integrated Development Environment IDE: Familiarity with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code or JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA for React Native development.
* Package Managers: Experience using package managers like npm or Yarn to manage dependencies and package versions.
* Version Control Systems: Proficiency in using Git for source code management and collaboration.
* Debugging Tools: Ability to use React Native debugging tools remote debugging and Chrome Developer Tools for debugging and troubleshooting.
* CSS and Styling: Understanding of CSS and stylesheets for mobile app UI styling.
* RESTful APIs: Knowledge of integrating with RESTful APIs and handling data fetching authentication and error handling.
* Backend Integration: Experience working with backend technologies and integrating mobile apps with server-side APIs.