PrizeDraw Logo PrizeDraw
PrizeDraw Logo

Full Stack Founding Engineer

💰 $200 - $100,000 📅 05/17/2024


Job Description

We are looking for a skilled and motivated engineer to spearhead turning our
V1 product into a fully fledged experience that users love. You will have lots
of autonomy and receive generous equity as one of the first employees.

Why should you join PrizeDraw?

Founders have a proven track record and domain expertise.

Greg - Took my peer to peer marketing platform from idea to exit in 18 months.

Patrick - Started and grew my social gaming company, currently operating with
over 50 employees and rapid, profitable growth.

Founders have skin in the game, with several hundred thousand dollars of
personal capital put into PrizeDraw alongside our pre-seed round.

It will be a lot of fun - We're building a more thrilling shopping experience
that turns every purchase into a potentially life-changing win.

PrizeDraw focuses on Shopping. Their company has offices in Miami. They have a
small team that's between 1-10 employees.

You can view their website at <>