Retrieval Logo Retrieval


💰 $200 - $80,000 📅 07/11/2024


Job Description

Retrieval is a pioneering startup revolutionizing the e-commerce and retail
landscape. Our innovative platform integrates a nationwide network of brick-
and-mortar stores with modern e-commerce operations, offering consumers fast,
free, and convenient local pickup options for their online purchases. We aim
to solve critical challenges in the e-commerce industry, including fulfillment
expectations, last-mile delivery inefficiencies, and product quality issues.
Our traction includes a Shopify app that is live, with ten businesses
onboarded onto the platform.

I am seeking to onboard a co-founder to assume an active CEO and primary
decision making role for the comapny. I am starting business school this fall
and will not have the time to continue in as active of a role as I have been
to-date. The new co-founder will accordingly have decision-making power, and
up to a 50% stake in equity of the early-stage company, vested over an agreed
upon period of time. I am preferably looking for someone who is an
experienced, previous founder for the role, with the following qualifications:

-Experience in B2B technology platforms.
-Strong understanding of retail, e-commerce, and Shopify
-Robust understanding in business development for a B2B platform.
-Experience in leading fundraising rounds for startups.
-Experience in leading a venture through a successful exit.

I myself will be located in New York while I am in business school, so a
founder based in New York is preferred, but remote will be accepted as well.