Cartpilot. Logo Cartpilot.
Cartpilot. Logo

Back-End Engineer (Python

💰 $50,000 - $100,000 🌍 United States of America 📅 07/05/2023


Job Description

##### Job Description :






CartPilot is looking for a back-end developer to help build and scale our
supply chain solution. We're looking for engineers proficient in security and
disruption. If you're passionate about cloud commerce, data-driven
applications and building the future of retail, let us know.

You'll be responsible for assisting in the development of our core


* 1-2+ years of industry experience with Django/Python
* Good knowledge of object-oriented patterns in Python — we think it is crucial to apply proper object-oriented principles to grow the application.
* Solid understanding of Agile development practices and Lean Software Development principles. You should be very efficient at understanding different use cases, prioritizing tasks, working with Git and implementing the GitHub flow.
* You are proficient enough to optimize relational databases (SQLite) and scale the application (we use DigitalOcean). Good SEO knowledge and experience with maintaining performant PostgreSQL databases is a huge plus.
* Not afraid of taking risks, and vested in making our business a success, together.