Works Consulting Logo Works Consulting
⏩ Works Consulting Logo

Application Developer

πŸ’° $50,000 - $100,000 🌍 Australia πŸ“… 07/05/2023


Job Description

##### Job Description :

Works Consulting is currently seeking a full-time geographic information
system (GIS) application developer for our Gilbert Arizona-based team. Work
activity will initially consist of enhancing our capacity to build ArcGIS Pro
add-ins using C# and Visual Studio for our growing suite of customized linear
referencing tools for Esri users.


Applicants should show an interest and ability to work in the fields of
transportation planning and engineering using information technology
consisting specifically of the GIS software stack by Esri. Typical GIS staff
at Works Consulting are encouraged to – and do – utilize the full Esri stack.
However, the specific need for this advertised position is to help complete
the migration of our legacy ArcObjects-powered extensions into ArcGIS Pro,
Portal, and Roads and Highways.