💰 $200 - $250,000 📅 07/30/2024
This is not a regular job post. It's an invite to go to intellectual
motherfucking war on one of the most important missions in the history of the
Apply only if you are insanely smart, have insane pain tolerance, and ready to
work day and night to change the world in an impossibly huge way.
Founding team position in a small Spartan army of us four intellectual
gladiators. Looking for a no-nonsense, hyper-intelligent machine learning
expert in image-focused CNNs.
No company has ever taken a quantum physics approach to social networks until
now. We are applying the deepest known theories about the world, like
Everett’s Multiverse theory, to revolutionize social networks.
Three pillars of our vision: software, hardware, and the brain chip.
We start off in software: an anonmyous friend-based social network.
This will be the adventure of your lifetime. It will be super hard, but we
guarantee you something no other place will: that you will make more of
yourself than you ever imagined possible. We are going to build tools of
hidden reality and shine the light so fucking bright like no company has ever
done in the history of the world.
Please read our team's DNA in details here before applying. This will give you
a strong sense for what we are like. <https://www.notion.so/The-Declaration-
Our Process
* No bullshit. Simple at its core: we give you a hard problem. If you solve it well, we meet. If we like each other, the job is yours the same day. From start to finish, 2 days.
* The task will be to make your own segmentation model which separates person from the background. The challenge is to find the right architecture where accuracy is really high, but inference time and size are low. Model similar to our in-house one. ~5ms inference, up to 60mb size and VERY HIGH accuracy. Your interview task will be to solve this problem.
About You
* Fingertip understanding of linear algebra & calculus
* Evidence of exceptional experience in CNNs
* Extremely high pain tolerance
* Extreme, warrior sense of owernship for your actions
* Discomformist
* Extremely high incisiveness (extremely high signal-to-noise ratio)
* Extremely young (not necessarily in age, but spirit)
About Position
* Fully remote (we work in EU time zone)
* Image-focused CNNs: semantic segmentation, object detection, depth, image generation, facial recognition, image captioning, etc
* Your job will be to make custom architectures & hybrid of existing ones for our social network - there's a ton of work to be done :)
* A lot of the tasks are highly-customized given our quantum physics approach - it will be extremely challenging but also super fun
* You will run the show how you want - zero bureaucratic bullshit
How To Apply
* In 10 sentences most, tell us why you are the right person for the job. Be highly specific. Tell us like a man, no bullshit. Boilerplate general bullshit answers get rejected automatically.
* Evidence of Exceptional Ability. Send us link to the best project you ever made.