Soul Earth Logo Soul Earth
Soul Earth Logo

Entrepreneur-in-Residence (CEO/COO)

💰 $50,000 - $100,000 📅 10/12/2023


Job Description

We are a mission driven company and we are inviting a key hire to lead the
company into new markets.

If you are someone who feels the world should be more sustainable and you wish
to make a real impact then we would like to partner with you.

We can provide coaching and early stage funding and help you bring ideas to
life. You have the option to work on existing ideas or build something
completely new. We are open to your vision and how you see the world.

Kindly send us a message and tell us what motivates you and what kind of
products you wish to build.

Soul Earth focuses on E-Commerce, Marketplaces, Health and Wellness, and
Sustainability. Their company has offices in Canada, India, and Singapore.
They have a small team that's between 1-10 employees.

You can view their website at <> or find them on
[Facebook]( and
