MicroJet Technology Logo MicroJet Technology
MicroJet Technology Logo

ADDWII (USA) General Manager (CEO)

💰 $40,000 - $120,000 📅 09/30/2023


Job Description

急徵空氣清淨系統的美國市場銷售總經理, 公司地點在美國Beverly Hills, California. 需具備中英文雙語能力 & 10年以上工作經驗
(有CEO/COO/業務/行銷經歷優先), 負責法律、行政、人事、財務、業績、成本以及綜合績效。我們在台灣已發展世界領先的室內空污防治平台ZAP
(<http://www.addwii.com>), 將在美國設立銷售公司ADDWII (USA)拓展美國地區銷售,可以ZOOM 線上面試, 歡迎您應徵履歷

請將您的Resume in PDF, 加上一份中文簡述, 並說明您認為為何適合此份職缺 ; 若有HVAC/Air Purifier/Air Quality
產業經驗亦請詳述. 目前您有那些國籍&護照? 請email到:
[rocky_cheng@microjet.com.tw](mailto:rocky_cheng@microjet.com.tw) (Attn:
WellFound Job Posting)


We need to hire a general manager (CEO) to set up a sales company ADDWII (USA)
in Beverly Hills, California and expand sales in the United States. We have
developed the world's leading indoor air pollution prevention platform ZAP
(<http://www.addwii.com>) in Taiwan. Need to find work experience more than 10
years (CEO/COO/business/marketing experience is preferred), bilingual in
Chinese and English, general manager who can take office immediately,
responsible for legal, administrative, personnel, financial, performance, cost
and comprehensive performance. ZOOM online interviews are available, and you
are welcome to apply for your resume!

Please add a brief description in Chinese to your resume, and explain why you
think you are suitable for this position; if you have experience in the
HVAC/Air Purifier/Air Quality industry, please also describe in detail. What
nationality and passport do you currently have? Please email it to
[rocky_cheng@microjet.com.tw](mailto:rocky_cheng@microjet.com.tw) (Attn:
WellFound Job Posting)

MicroJet Technology focuses on Clean Technology, Medical Devices, Air
Pollution Control, Smart Building, and Smart Home. Their company has offices
in Beverly Hills. They have a large team that's between 501-1000 employees.

You can view their website at <http://www.addwii.com> or find them on
and [Product Hunt](producthunt.com/https://www.addwii.com/product-en/).
